Welcome to the Pursue You Podcast, where we are empowering you to continually reflect, design and pursue who you were created to be so you can give the gift of your best self to your family, community, and business!
Today I am excited to share with you my journey starting and growing this podcast! You have asked me such great questions and shared such great thoughts, which has fueled me so much along the way. Surprisingly, I get asked a lot about this, so I hope this discussion can serve as a resource for you or someone you know.
[2:45] The first question I always ask is “Why?” There are so many different reasons. Essentially a podcast is an easy and convenient way that consumers can consume your content. But why? Why are they consuming your content? What about that is important? I share the example about the way my real estate team uses video blogs to educate followers! It serves as another marketing arm and expands our reach and adds value, not to mention, allowing followers to get to know about us.
I personally started my podcast for ME. I have been through so many successes and failures with my businesses. I was beginning to feel compelled to share about them. Keith Cunningham’s book The Road Less Stupid touches on committing to prioritizing thinking. I am sitting with my thoughts, prioritizing them and now sharing them.
[11:50] Identify what topic(s) you will discuss and dive into. I share my process. I heard an idea that if you are able to write down 5 to 10 topics that you want to chat about then you have enough content for an entire podcast. Find those for yourself. What important topics do you feel called to speak on? From there, I was able to hone in on the big pieces I was passionate about. I began to notice a theme that tied them all together. Note: It is not going to be perfect right away. Keep moving forward!
[19:34] Make a game plan for the logistics. I explain how I am not an expert in this department so I use the help of others as much as I can. First, I recommend identifying if you want to personally handle the logistics part. Second, go to YouTube to find free videos! Third, determine the applications you might use to help. For example: I use Libsyn as my podcast host, which is what distributes the podcast to the different outlets. I use Garage Band to record (because I have a Macbook). My website (mandyfriend.com) is hosted by Squarespace. Additionally, I recorded an intro and an outro as well. How often do you want to post new episodes? Do you want to share clips on social media?
[25:49] I chat about my to do list, or a flow chart, starting with the Podcast Launch. I started with getting 5 episodes recorded and ready to go before the launch. Next, I found opening and closing music that I liked. I also had a professional photography session. I decided I would use these “lifestyle photos” for my cover art for the podcast. I determined how long it takes to edit podcasts and, ultimately determined how long the editing process took start to finish. I chose to start 5 episodes, releasing the first 3 on launch day. I was ahead of the game and helping myself stick to the plan I made without being stressed.
You can “go big” with this podcast or you can go simple. Whichever you choose, be clear with WHY you want to do this. While it might not be easy, taking slow steps, making small actions can add up and make a difference.
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