Episode 24: 5 Steps to Rock Your Nighttime Routine

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Welcome to the Pursue You Podcast, where we are empowering you to continually reflect, design and pursue who you were created to be so you can give the gift of your best self to your family, community, and business!

Today’s episode is inspired by Mother Nature/Daylight Savings Time! This past year, especially, I have been so in tune with how daylight affects my nighttime routine. So many people talk about waking up SO early to get everything done! That never worked for me. I would wake up exhausted and, by the end of the day was beat! This year, I had the simplest revelation: a smart nighttime routine! You can’t have a strong morning routine until you have a strong nighttime routine! I know we all have a different “number” but mine is 8! I require 8 hours of sleep per night to show up at 100% for me and my family. I encourage you to figure out your “number!” I then started to develop some routines around my wake and my sleep schedule. I learned what is best for me is to go to bed by 10pm and up by 6am! Since my kids get up at 7am, a 6am wake up gives me an hour to get myself organized and focused before my kids get up! It also gives my husband and me a bit of time to spend together after our kids go to bed!

But, as the winter months crept in and the mornings grew colder and darker, I noticed myself wanting to sleep in! So, I thought to myself, “What if I added value on the back end. What if I started to be more purposeful about my evening routine in the same way I was being more purposeful about my morning routine?” (AKA surviving winter in Upstate New York!)

I am sharing 5 steps that helped me make my nighttime routine the best thing for me! So even if my morning routine hasn’t been great, I am setting myself up for a great next day!

[12:24] I discuss #1: Close out your work properly. At the end of the day, spend some time (at least 5 minutes) before you leave work and review your day! What did you do well? What took you off course? Review your from priorities that day and if you accomplished them. Look at your agenda for the next day, look at your priorities and determine what needs to get done tomorrow! You are already in work mode, so take advantage!

[14:19] I discuss #2: Transition time. Build in that time period between work and when you go home! Identify what you need to do to reset in order to prepare you for the rest of the night. For example, a drive in your car, prayer/meditation, or running an errand. It can be as simple as changing your clothes! The key is getting out of that work mindset and checking back in with yourself.

[16:08] I discuss #3: Connection time. If you are living with family, this is your time to be there! You can maximize this connection time by minimizing your distractions. Screen time is the biggest challenge for many of us! Set goals for yourself with screen time. Also, don’t be afraid of white space during connection time. Be present! If you feel your mind wandering, work to be there. It is a muscle you can strengthen with practice!

[18:17] I discuss #4: Prepare for tomorrow. When I say that, I mean “What are you going to wear tomorrow?” “What is your breakfast tomorrow morning going to look like?” “What does your lunch look like tomorrow?” “Are you going to workout tomorrow? Do you need an extra set of clothes?” All of these things ease the decision-making that you typically have in the morning. We can do these simple things in the evening to save us extra valuable time in the morning.

[22:17] I discuss #5: Decompression. In order for me to get to bed by 10pm, I need to be in bed by 9:30pm. I needed to prepare for sleep! For me, it is reading a book. Putting on pajamas is another example. It signifies to your body that something else is happening. SOCIAL MEDIA can be a huge challenge. I have to leave my phone in a drawer to avoid this distraction because it does not help me decompress. And I doubt it helps you! Social media is not the best of decompression!

Doing these 5 things can set you up for amazing success the following morning! The second you start to be purposeful with your time and listen to your body, your evenings and your mornings can begin to feel more balanced. When I had more confidence in my routine, I wasn’t seeking the answer in my phone in my email or social media!

These steps have helped me because

1. It is easier for me to fall asleep.

2. I can save my brain space for more important decisions (my 20%).

3. My productivity at work skyrockets.

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