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Episode 25: What to Do When You're No Longer Motivated by "Money"

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Welcome to the Pursue You Podcast, where we are empowering you to continually reflect, design and pursue who you were created to be so you can give the gift of your best self to your family, community, and business!

On Episode 25 I discuss a topic may be something some of you are experiencing! “What To Do When You Are No Longer Motivated By “Money.” Notice “money” is in quotes because I want to use it as a placeholder. “Money” is basically whatever has motivated you in the past but it is now "empty." You could be motivated by fame or fear of failure, for example. However, there can come a point when your motivation can shift from a healthy motivation to something empty. Today I want to discuss what you can do if you are lacking motivation or no longer motivated by “money.”

[3:05] I take you don’t my journey with motivation and how it has changed over the years with the ups and downs of business and life. I share how I was broke when I was 22 and just starting out in real estate. Money was my motivation! I needed this money to buy food, gas and turn the heat on; all basic necessities. While I was never miserable being broke, I longed for the time I could simply buy a client a muffin at a meeting. My discipline and drive led to a point where I was no longer broke. I began to learn my “money” had shifted and my motivation was now achievement. I needed to be viewed as one of the top realtors in the area.

[5:23] I received an award for top realtors in the area, what I had visualized since I began! I get the award, I am so excited, I am thrilled! I sat back down and realized nothing had changed. But, in actuality, EVERYTHING changed. This was the final straw that broke the camels back. I had “enough money” and “enough achievement and success” but what is there to motivate me now?!

[8:04] I discuss how I lost touch with a team feeling that I had known so well through my time as an athlete while working alone as a Realtor. That set the foundation for my motivation by “achievement” that soon became empty. I felt empty inside, too.

[11:06] I share how it is so easy to think you have lost everything because you have lost you PASSION. Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist. Niequist describes how once she loses the anxiety and fear of being perfet/her need to accomplish, she felt she didn’t have anything driving her anymore. She started to use her body and love as the driving force. If it meant it took her an extra year to finish her next book because she was moving slowly, that was OK. It meant she was in tune with her body and her family’s needs. That is what life is all about.

[16:45] I discuss how right now I am motivated by being who I want to be every single day. The progress that I see myself making when I operate my life from a place of love and patience (as opposed to coming from a place of anxiety and reactivity) allows me to accomplish so much more. This has taken me a lot of time to come to terms with! I have to reframe the desire to be like someone else and remember what life is really about. If you are feeling this way and finding yourself comparing, look up (to God, the universe, etc) and look inside yourself to determine what you are being called to do and how you want to show up. Let that be the foundation for your motivation.

[19:21] Look around you! What things, people, etc. are in need! Can I create an opportunity to bless something or someone else? How can I do that? Zig Ziglar said “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” Start volunteering! Find cause that are in need and don’t have the money to serve.

If you are going through this feeling, like you have lost your motivation, challenge yourself to live a more meaningful life with your thoughts, your prayers, your finances and how you spend your time. See this as a blessing. Even though it is hard, I hope it strengthens your perspective. Life is not a sprint, a marathon or a race!

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