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Episode 2: Why Self Care Is NOT The Answer...And What Is!

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Welcome to the Pursue You Podcast, where we are empowering you to continually reflect, design and pursue who you were created to be so you can give the gift of your best self to your family, community, and business!

I recently read this blog of a woman talking about how frustrated she was with the conversation around self-care. She talked about how a bubble bath or a solo trip to the grocery store wasn’t going to take away the expectations, or perceived expectations that society has for us.

I really enjoyed the post, and I mostly agreed with her in that self-care is not the answer, but it’s still very important. The reason it’s so important is because it’s actually the opportunity to ask the question. Prioritizing reflective self-care is what I truly believe will help produce answers that you can then take action on.

[1:40] I talk about how my definition of what self-care means to me has transformed over the years.

[3:20] I talk about how we end up getting to where we realize we need self-care and what has happened that has caused it.

[4:00] I talk about the problems that come with sticking to the classic definition of self-care.

[5:10] I talk about what I mean by “asking the question”.

[6:30] I talk about the importance of carving out this reflective self-care when you’re in a good, healthy place, not when you’re stressed or burnt out.

[7:40] I talk about how impactful journaling is for your reflective self-care and how it will allow you to see the answers to your questions that lead to the steps you can take action on.

[10:30] I talk about how you can discover patterns that lead to your burnout, and how you can turn those patterns into goals.

[11:15] I talk about how important it is to start with small tweaks, rather than big life-changing decisions when you take action on your goals.

[13:00] I talk about how reflective self-care is not selfish. It gives you the opportunity to pursue your best life, which allows you to inspire others to do the same, and you’ll have more to give them in their journey too.

Reflective Self-Care Questions to Ask This Week:

  • How did I feel today?

  • What inspired me today?

  • What gave me energy today?

  • What triggered me today?

  • What sucked up my energy today?

  • What situations or events impacted my ability to show up today?

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