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Craig Groschel

Episode 6: Good Enough to Move On

Pursue You Podcast Episode 6 Good Enough to Move On

Welcome to the Pursue You Podcast, where we are empowering you to continually reflect, design and pursue who you were created to be so you can give the gift of your best self to your family, community, and business!

The total nerd in me, that I now 100% embrace, is coming out in today’s episode. If you haven’t recognized yet, I LOVE attending seminars and conferences. I love that feeling of being immersed in a world of other growth minded people. One of my favorites that I work hard to attend every year is called Global Leadership Summit. The mission of the Global Leadership Summit is a community that is committed to learning from each other and using our influence to accomplish God’s purpose on earth. Now while it’s hosted at a church, the focus of these two days is very much leadership and growth focused. The first year there was my first-time hearing about Craig Groschel. From the moment I first heard him talk I was in absolute AWE. A little more about him, he has the Craig Groschel Leadership podcast, and he is the founder of Life Church, and creator of the YouVersion Bible App. He’s also a husband and father so his speaking really resonated with me. This past year when I attended his opening talk was called Bend the Curve, and one of the topics he shared with us was this idea called GETMO. G-E-T-M-O. And when I first heard it, I was like get more? Nope, it stands for “good enough to move on”. GETMO. Get it?

[2:40] I talk about the idea of GETMO and explain what it means.

[5:20] I talk about the challenge of finding the sweet spot between the investment of your resources and the value that the resources are adding to your life.

[5:40] I talk about the fact that GETMO is more for perfectionists, not people who just want to do the bare minimum. It’s for people who are always thinking about how they could still do more work. It’s not about what is the minimum amount of work I have to do, but about finding the sweet spot between the amount of work you are putting in and getting the most return out of it.

[7:50] I challenge you to find the areas of your life where you are investing your time, money or energies into something that has stopped adding value, or where you are investing into something that is having diminishing returns, and to think about something else you could invest that time and money into that would bring more value.

[8:45] I share an example from my own real estate business about how something that started out as a big improvement in our business eventually had to change because the effort we were putting into it wasn’t valued by our clients any longer. We had to analyze our efforts and the feedback from our clients to figure out how to maximize the output for our input.

[13:50] I challenge you to look at the meetings you have on your calendar and to see how much time you’re spending in those meetings and what you’re accomplishing in that time. Can you shorten the meetings? Can you accomplish everything you need to in 15 or 30 minutes? You could get time back without decreasing the value of the meeting.

[15:10] I talk about how it’s not always black and white to see the investments that need to be analyzed with GETMO. Sometimes you need to use C & E (counsel and experimentation) which I talked about in Episode 4 in order to see where you might need to make some changes. I share how we did this within our team to decide where to modify how we’re using our resources.

[17:00] I challenge you to regularly ask yourself two questions. First, what are you investing your time, money and energies into that has stopped adding value? Second, is there somewhere else you could be putting that investment to get value in something else?

[17:30] I translate GETMO from business to family and talk about how I had to learn how to find the sweet spot between scheduling ourselves into exhaustion with the activities we do with our kids, and knowing when we need to be back home as a family for rest.

[22:30] I talk about how we need to do these checks often because our “sweet spots” in business and life can change in different seasons. We need to recognize it and act accordingly and be okay with it.

I want to remind you this is not about doing the minimum amount of work. This is for those of us that are working too much towards perfection and are seeing diminishing results. When you maximize your resources with GETMO you’ll find yourself doing less and getting more, finding more joy and satisfaction with the same or less amount of effort. Do an audit of your time, energy, resources and see where you need to modify time, output, etc. Your resources are what you have to give the world, and I hope you know how precious they are.

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