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Episode 9: What I Learned at the Rise Business Conference

Pursue You Podcast Episode 9: What I Learned at the Rise Business Conference with Rachel Hollis

Welcome to the Pursue You Podcast, where we are empowering you to continually reflect, design and pursue who you were created to be so you can give the gift of your best self to your family, community, and business!

Today we’re talking about the Rise Business Conference I attended that is put on by Rachel Hollis and her husband Dave Hollis through the Hollis Company. While they have held multiple personal development conferences, this was their first ever Rise Business Conference, emphasis on business!

In a nutshell, it was awesome! It was fabulous, and not just in that emotional high feeling where you feel like you just want to live in an imaginary bubble after a great conference, but I was able to leave with very real, tactical takeaways. Now that I’ve had time to think about my experience, review my notes, and summarize my takeaways, I want to share them with you, and hopefully pass along some of the amazing wisdom I heard during the conference.

[3:00] I start off sharing my story of how I discovered Rachel Hollis, who she was, what she was about, and my internal struggle with being excited about her and her mission, but also feeling like I couldn’t pursue what I wanted to because she was already doing it.

[6:50] I introduce the “bean dip” (Rachel’s term) or Ladder concept that the conference centered around. Each rung represents a different topic that we covered during the conference.

[7:29] Rung 1 - YOU - You are the problem, but you are also the solution. We spent nearly an entire day focusing on this topic. I’m sharing my biggest takeaways from all of the speakers that covered this topic, but ultimately, I want to share Rachel’s 5 points – humility, hard work, health, honesty, optimism.

[17:42] Rung 2 - Product and Service – The big point that hit me was that they helped us realize the businesses that were really succeeding were offering a product, service, AND an experience and that experience is key. I challenge you to ask yourself: what can you do to enhance your experience opportunity?

[19:20] Rungs 3 & 4 - Branding and Customer Experience – In order to create a better product, service or experience you need to listen to your customer and respond to what they are asking for. Let’s work on this practically by creating a circular flow chart that outlines your customer’s journey in order to assess how you can offer a better customer experience.

[22:00] Rung 5 - Marketing – Amy Porterfield hit on this topic so well and her biggest point was about having an email list that allows you to constantly engage with your customer base in an personal and authentic way, while delivering original content that you are creating (like a podcast!) to them each week!

[25:00] Rung 6 - Sales – Most of us are selling something because we want to help our customer when they are in need. In order to do this successfully, we have to be passionate about what we are selling. If we aren’t, we shouldn’t be selling it.  

[28:14] Rung 7 - Finances – This is often a difficult subject for business owners, because they honestly don’t know their numbers. I’m here to encourage you from this conference that you need to know your numbers, and it’s okay to ask what they are and to learn how to understand it better. Once you do this, you’ll be able to figure out simple things you could change or tweak to make even more money.  

[32:20] Rung 8 - Systems & Processes – The best way to establish your systems and processes is to figure out what your goal is, and then, work backwards to outline a road map to get there.  

[33:38] Rung 9 – People – Define what success looks like for you and then make sure that every decision you make supports that goal. Otherwise you will never be able to stay rooted in what you value.

[37:25] Rung 10 – Servant Leadership - A great leader makes it all about the team. A servant leader asks questions: How are you? What are you working on? How can I help? Then, follow up and follow through. You are responsible for providing the training and resources your team needs to grow.

This conference was an incredible experience and I was excited to break it down the 10 rungs of the ladder for you. I am just siting here after going through this, and I remember the overwhelming sense of joy I had there, and I think about hoisting a business conference just like this in the future. I know you guys that are here listening are excited about that with me, and you are the ones that give me so much fire. You’ve shared about how you’re using these episodes to grow you and think bigger in your business. I don’t know how long it will take to do this, but I know that I am going to be pursuing it! I am excited to pursue this big, crazy dream. Thanks for being my hype tribe and get me excited about this “Pursue You” business! Having you on this journey makes it even more enjoyable for me. Thank you!

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